Thursday, September 10, 2009
NSG (not so good) news
Terlebih dahulu saya nak mohon maaf pada sHexies yang ada dalam team kita ni. Tak tau dari mana nak mula bicara... tapi terpaksa diumumkan juga pada semua.
My 2nd pregnancy ni banyak pula cabarannya...tambah pula dalam bulan Ramadhan yg penuh dugaan ni. Perut selalu masuk angin yang selalunya diiringi dengan sakit kepala.... yesterday, dalam dok pening2 tu kena gak drive ke office sebab ada mesyuarat. Terkejut dekat sebuah motor yg laju ni, tayar keta terbabas ke side road yg berlopak...gedegang bunyinya....dalam hati berdoa kalau nak pecah tayar pun biarlah sempat sampai ke stesyen minyak berdekatan (around 2km dari tempat kejadian).
Ku gagahkan juga bawa keta tu walaupun dah rasa semacam jer bunyinya....berjaya gak sampai ke stesyen minyak tu...dalam kepanikan tu baru lah call husband n kawan2. Sementara menunggu husband datang...tengok la suasana sekeliling...yg lawaknya...(Allah nak tolong juga), kedai tayar kat sebelah stesyen minyak tu ja. Adik kedai tayar tu minta saya drive masuk ke kedainya, tapi sebab dah tgk betapa flatnya tayar dgn tanah, terus tak berani drive walaupun tinggal 2 kaki jer jaraknya berbanding tadi yg belum tengok keadaan lagi boleh drive up to 2km!
Back to cerita sebenar yg nak dikhabarkan... dengan penuh rendah diri dan kesayuan saya nak minta izin dari kawan2 utk undur diri dari hexy game ini. Saya dah bincang dengan Kak D perkara ini dan dia faham situasi saya sekarang yg perlu concentrate dengan banyak perkara :-
1. I have to deal dengan kesihatan diri yg tak menentu, mostly keletihan dan kelesuan dan cepat mengantuk.
2. I have to layan si najmi tu yg semakin hari semakin manja (mungkin dia dapat rasa akan ada saingan selepas ini)...that occupies almost every free time i have left.
3. I have to cope with my master's programme ...which is every week n every 2 weeks akan ada assignment yg perlu dihantar.
4. I have to adapt dengan suasana kerja yg baru.
Above all, walaupun i will eventually siapkan ur hexies, but it wont be fair sebab tak dapat siapkan dalam tempoh 2 minggu seperti yg kita semua persetujui.
Mus punya pun tak jahit lagi walaupun kain dah siap dipotong. Having said that...i really am sorry to withdraw myself from the game.... tapi saya tetap akan pantau kerja kawan2 dalam blog ini.
Kak D said she could handle 30 pieces with no trouble at all...but she asked me to offer to others first kalau sesiapa yg berminat nak ambil 2 portion, pls let me know.
Otherwise, Kak D akan start jahit for Mus n additional 10 utk cik Kema very soon.
I had to go now...sebab semua org dah balik dari office ni. Once again...saya mohon maaf banyak2 dari kawan2 di sini.
salam sayang
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
My heart goes to Baby Rayyan
Simpati saya pada cik Kema, one of our sHexies... anaknya baby rayyan disahkan positif Influenza H1N1.
Saya dapat khabar ni dari blog Mrs Fedex kita.... meruntun jiwa bila dapat tahu hal lah, kita pun ada anak yg lebih kurang sebaya dengan baby rayyan... naluri keibuan semua org adalah sama.... semoga cik Kema tabah dan banyak berdoa.
Saya pasti ramai yang akan doakan baby Rayyan juga bila dapat berita ni.
As for our hexy game, saya nak tanya pandangan semua, saya bercadang kali ni tidak akan membuat undian, sebaliknya menganugerahkan giliran penerima hexy seterusnya adalah cik Kema sendiri.
Ini bertujuan supaya cik Kema tidak perlu kalut untuk siapkan hexy utk org lain...terima ja dari kami semua sebagai tanda ingatan dan sokongan kami utk kesihatan baby rayyan.
If u all agree, pls make hexy in RED color pilihannya dan center piece dia nak kaler PINK.
Salam sayang,
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Selamat Berpuasa
Hari ni aku free sikit, so luangkan masa untuk berceloteh kejap. Sebelum tu, Fida, maaf ya, hexy kamu baru sempat dipos semalam...insyaAllah hari ni atau Jumaat u terima...
Mus punya dah potong kain.. (Kak D tolong potong, sebab my cutting mat abis bengkang bengkuk dijamah matahari sebab tinggal dalam kereta :(( ).....tapi template dah abis...kena print dan potong semula...esok pula ada kelas master..jumaat n sabtu u...adeiii tak dak cuti minggu ni :((
Nasib baik dapat MC utk 2 hari lepas...gara2 gatal pi turun tangga dari tingkat 12 ...malas tunggu lif punya pasal...ingatkan badan gagah perkasa...elok sampai bawah jer, ketaq lutut..nak jalan sampai bilik office pun rasa nunnnnn jauhnya...nasib baik sampai juga...
Gi jumpa Dr atas nasihat kawan2.... dapat MC 2 hari...yeayyyy....husband cakap, lain kali nak dapat cuti, gi la panjat tangga lagi...adussss kena sebijik
Dulu masa mengandungkan si Najmi tu tak ler kena morning sickness apa2...letih pun tak der...kali ni letih nya melampau lak...may be sebab berpuasa sama...cabarannya lebih... dulu kalau rasa loya ker, perut meragam ker leh juga kulum coklat atau asam....hmmmm kali ni cuma berbekalkan minyak angin cap kapak jer la
Tadi sempat jalan2 tengok blog kawan2.... kak D seperti biasa menjadi org pertama dgn 20 hexy nya... fida punya pun cantik2 gak... naiz dengan koleksi kain yg banyaakkkk ....dan sempat juga jenguk resepi roti dia...heheheh terliur lak... nak kena buat juga ni.
Apa pun semoga kawan2 semua berjaya siapkan hexy masing2 dan gembira menjalani ibadah puasa.
By the way, Fida, dah dapat ker semua hexy dari kawan2?
Salam sayang,
Sunday, August 16, 2009
2nd sHEXY is....
Sorry for long silence.... maaf bebanyak dari hujung jari sampai hujung keyboard.
Reason for not (delayed) blogging :-
1. My son was down with fever.... tanya dia sakit apa? ...dia kata sakit ewan ewan (H1N1) ...minta simpang malaikat 44... and alhamdulillah... he's fine now...thanks to all best wishes n doa kawan2
2. My sister's family (satu keluarga) demam juga... so being the closest relative, i la yg kena jadik drebar ke hulu ke hilir menghantar one by one anak2 nya ke spital...and alhamdulillah semua dah ok...kakak jer yg masih lemah badan
3. I kena transfer tempat kerja dari Daerah Kubang Pasu ke Daerah Kota Setar...which is a blessing... tapi lotttssss of work.. hari ni baru dapat line internet kat new off ni....
4. I dapat offer untuk sambung Master in Public Management...kena prepare banyak pun tengah rush untuk pi daftar nama kat UUM (tapi curi2 gak tulis blog pagi ni)
5. I am pregnant...................... alhamdulillah...dah confirm setelah sekian lama berusaha hehehe... baru masuk week 6... so banyak juga kerenah nya ..cepat letih.
ok for all the reasons above...i'm sorry for all delay ...especially to fida...i baru siapkan 10 hexy...ada 10 lagi nak kena siapkan.... may be tomorrow or lusa baru sempat pos...sorry dear
and pagi son bangun tidor terus cabut satu nama... and he picked ME... tapi memandangkan i rasa bersalah kat u all sebab semua yg delay ni.... i asked him to pick once more
so the 2nd lucky person is ............... MUS girls ...boleh start jahit kaler MERAH ya...
tapi sebelum tu.... yg center tu mus nak putih pula... macamana pandangan semua?
boleh tak tukar? ....pls respond....tq
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Calling...calling for sHexies
Sebelum update dengan kain-kain yang dah dipotong dan template yg dah digunting.... terdetik di hati....mana yang lain2 ya?
in the last 2 entries, rasanya yg aktif memberi komen hanya Kak D (of course), Fida, Shima, Naiz and Me, myself.... wondering where are d other girls...adakah telah tenggelam di bawah timbunan stash? atau pengsan semasa menerap template?
Pls respond to this entry sebab nak tau juga jadi ke tak join kutu ni? sian Fida..dah semangat dia nak jadi 1st recepient.
One more thing,...pls leave ur "blog url" yg u all akan update hexy project ni sebab penat i check blog u all...ada yg sorang 5 blog dia manage...mana satu i nak add pun tak tau
anyway...hope to hear from all of u...hanya nak pastikan the game is on! Tq.
Latest updates :-
1. KAK DIAH.................RED
2. BALKHIS...................PINK
3. SHIMA.......................PINK
4. FIDA...........................BLUE .......1st Winner!
Due 15hb Ogos '09
5. VIA..............................BLUE
6. MUS............................RED
7. KEMA..........................RED
8. NAIZ............................RED
9. JURRA........................PINK
10. BACK TO ME...........BLUE
Fida, i'll be back with more pics ...tunggguuuuu.
Friday, July 31, 2009
The 1st sHexy is.....
Sorry semalam tak sempat nak blogging...tidor mati sebab baru makan ubat batuk.... anyway pagi ni dah buat cabutan...dah ambil gambar tapi tak boleh upload lagi sebab cari card reader tak jumpa pulak.... son's fav pick for today is.................FIDA
tgk lah betapa semangatnya dia angkat kertas nama tu...terus melekat kat dahinya...
Congrats dear...rasanya dia pun tahu siapa yg paling semangat siapkan bunga hexy ni....
So ladies...kena tumpu siapkan 10 pcs bunga hexy in BLUE color
Malam ni i akan cuba buat step by step tutorial utk bunga hexy ni...
Tarikh untuk hantar pada FIDA is 15hb August....ok.
p/s: Fida...mailing address pls.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Malaysian sHexies
I'm so sorry for the long silence... sibuk terjaga jam 2 pagi sebab memang nak jenguk blog ni...dgr kabar dari kak D memang rancak... n thanks to all for making this kutu possible ..special thanks to kak D yang tolong buat tutorial without me asking...
komen on the previous entry tu dah cecah 45... sampai shima pun pening tersalah baca kan kita mula yg baru di entry kali ni...
this post will be short n simple..sebab mata dah kembali ngatuk ...i just want to wrap a few things
A. Final list of sHexies are.........
1. KAK DIAH.................RED
2. BALKHIS...................PINK (sudah tukar hehehe...jgn marah, nanti kena jual!)
3. SHIMA.......................PINK
4. FIDA...........................BLUE
5. VIA..............................BLUE
6. MUS............................RED
7. KEMA..........................RED
8. NAIZ............................????? (tak perasan color apa yg naiz minta dalam timbunan komen tu)
9. JURRA........................PINK
10. BACK TO ME...........BLUE ...
juz to keep the ball rolling....but if ada yg tersampai seru nak masuk lagi... our closing date would be on 31 July, jam 12 tgh malam ni...
i. Well girls...seperti yg termaklum in d previous entry...fabric required is 100% COTTON.
ii. STASH is acceptable... as long as COTTON, n TEMA color sama seperti yg diminta oleh pemain
iii. Centre piece is in YELLOW color ....sebab boleh matching dgn semua fav color pemain...juga 100% cotton ....n PLAIN ya... jangan pula kat luar berbunga2...tgh pun bunga...pening nanti.
As in blog Kak Diah
Alamak...tadi excited nak cabut, baru teringat...awang kecik tu dok lena kat sebelah... lagi pun kena tunggu official closing on the cabutan wud be on 1st August ya...kita lihat siapa yg kenaaa :-)
All sHexies, pls email me your MAILING ADDRESS (kalau letak kat komen, susah baca) at
Once i annouce the lucky girl of the week, i'll put up her mailing address to all other girls in another entry...ok?
So sHexies...time to back to sleep ... jumpa lagi on 31st midnite... n Kak Diah, i'll see u at ur booth @ Hari Penyayang nanti...may be lepak sekali if u dont mind :-)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Jom main KUTU BUNGA HEXY..hehehe
1st of all...sorry to all my dear frens...sebab dah lama blog ni terabai...dek kerana kesibukan kerja...ari ni pun sibuk tapi curi masa jap...coz i got mission to accomplished...thanks to Kak Diah yang dok suruh organize benda ni...
This is juz a preview of whole idea...see if u gurls like it...or even if u have any better idea on the whole concept or rules n reg...pls do note a comment ok...once we get the concept solid...i'll annouce the date for official launching...hehehe
Here it goes...
Overview :-
We all know how great hexagons quilt is...(u all can refer to blog Kak Diah for finished quilt ...mine is growing..slooooowwwwlllyyy) ...but we also know how tedious n time consuming it is...from cutting actually sewing it....
Pernah tak rasa macam tak terdaya nak siapkan semua bunga hexy tu to make one queen size quilt? ..pssttt...i do sometimes... (tapi jgn bagitau Kak Diah, my sifoo ya..nanti kena ketuk kepala)
In my counting...we need lebih kurang 100 pcs of bunga hexy to make one nice quilt... i so far terdaya buat 80 pcs... ntah tahun bila nak siap....
Jadi untuk memudahkan kita semua...why not kita main KUTU BUNGA HEXY ..hehehe
Let say kita ada 10 orang...tiap2 orang kena buat 10 pcs bunga
(10 x 10 = 100 pcs) ....n pls use 2" hexy size...i'll email the template to u gurls out there ok.
Sneak peak dari blog Kak Diah, quilt yg disiapkan guna bunga hexy yg caca merba colornya but end up very nice looking ....
Then ..i'll have my son do d drawing... siapa nama yg keluar that week dia la lucky person to get all 100pcs bunga hexy ...ready to make one nice quilt... cuma perlu susun n jahit path dia ja...mudah tak? rasa lebih teruja gitu kan.... dan lebih mudah....bak kata wonderpets...apa yg penting ...KERJASAMA!!
Once we know the lucky recipient, all participant kena hantar (pos sendiri ya) 10 pcs bunga hexy tu kepadanya...
Draw will be done in 2 weeks time....maksudnya each of us have 2 weeks to finish up 10 pcs of bunga hexy ready to send out for lucky girl of d week...
1. Penyertaan..... open for all quilters...register ur name kat ruangan comment ni + your color preferences + email address ...e.g KAK DIAH, QUILT COLOR : RED,
2. Tarikh tutup ...akan diumumkan as we hit desired number of participant (min is 10)
3. Draw akan dilakukan a.s.a.p...n if the lucky girl is KAK DIAH, then all of us will have to make 10 pcs of bunga hexy out of RED color theme.....
4. Tarikh penghantaran akan ditetapkan oleh organizer n pls...pls...pls dear give ur commitment to have it done by then n sent out to the winner of d week...n winner pls give us your MAILING ADDress
5. Once winner, e.g KAK DIAH dapat semua 100pcs tu, do let us all i can make another draw!
NOTE : Pls use only cotton fabric.....tq
I need to stop for now.... Nanti i'll try to snap a pic of 1 pc of bunga hexy yg dimaksudkan...or may be boleh refer pada Kak Diah ya...
See u soon dear fren............apa yg penting ...KERJASAMA!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Chiffon for Sales
....hmmmm i'm sure i got 9 pcs..i could not locate the last pic of it...i'll post it later then...
For payment pls have it transfer to :-
MAYBANK ACCT NO : 152023028582
email me once payment has been made with the following info :-
Your Name :
Your H/P no :
Your Mailing Address :
Your Detailed Payment :
Code No of Your Choice & Quantity (e.g : BLA01, 1 pc) :
For quicker deals, do sms me the details at 019 5761106
TQ once again...see u with more things for sale!
Friday, May 8, 2009
More Telekong Up For Sales
Shades of pink .. code no P02
Another shades of pink .. code no P03 ...SOLD to Fida (thank u dear, May Allah bless u always)
and another...with the touch of violet ... code no P04.
Shades of Gold...code no G01 ..SOLD OUT! Tq Kak Pah.
Another shades of Gold...code no G02
and another...with smaller flowers...code no G03
Shades of violet..different flowers ..code no V02 ..SOLD to Kak Yati. TQ!
Mix colours of pink, violet n blue...code no M01
Shades of green...code no G01 ...SOLD OUT!! (TQ Kak Chik & Kak Yati).
Shades of blue...code no BLU02
Mix of Blue and Pink... code no BLU03
Plain white...code no W01 ...SOLD OUT! (Thanks Ita)
As for payment pls have it transfer to :-
MAYBANK ACCT NO : 152023028582
email me once payment has been made with the following info :-
Your Name :
Your H/P no :
Your Mailing Address :
Your Detailed Payment :
Code No of Your Choice & Quantity (e.g : BLA01, 1 pc) :
For quicker respond, do sms me the details at 019 5761106
TQ once again...see u with more things for sale!
A little twist of life
People say everyone has their ups n downs..n last 2 weeks definitely was my down heart n soul goes to my sister n her family. Her dear son is very ill, a week in ICU struggling for his life when he's only at his 20th..and now even though he's out from the ICU (more of the cost factor).. he's still in precaution stage. He has blood clot in his main artery to the heart. By the time he was admitted, he was diagnosed for fever ..suspected chikungunya for he cant move his legs and having muscle cramps. Since he's studying in IPBA, Lembah Pantai, the closest hospital is Pantai Medical Centre. My sister allegiblity for kids medical is up to RM1,500 only but since she thought the fever treatment would not cost so much, she let her son to be treated there n then. Fortunately he was taken there since later they discover the cause for the fever and muscle cramps. Its a blood clot caused by kidney disease (yet to run a test on his kidney). To date, the cost has gone up to RM70,000. So much for my sister!
And i'm thinking hard on how to earn extra money to help her out of this financial situation. She's getting a loan and i'm sure she's going to struggle paying it's monthly installment. So best way is to create a fund for this unfortunate family. Every little RM i gain from any business activity i'm about to make will go to this fund. I do hope to get some support from viewers out there. Support me by buying any products i'm selling in this blog n be sure those money are into the fund, insyaAllah.
In fact if the fund is looking good, i'd like to extend it further to help other less fortunate family...and each time i help out those people, i'll post it here so every buyer cum donater will see how i spent their money/donations.
Please let me know if u have any other suggestions/ideas. For now here's few things on with charity in mind my dear viewers. Thank you!
For my first sale for charity is Kain Telekung... all prices at RM88 (postage free).
In shades of pink...code P01
In shades of red... code R01
In shades of violet... code V01
In shades of black... code BLA01...SOLD OUT!! to Kak Yati & Kak Chik (thank u so much!)
In shades of blue... code BLU01 ...reserved by Kak Chik for her mom. TQ!
That's all the pic i got for now...there's more shades like green, gold and plain... I'll keep it posted then...thank you for viewing this and soon buying for charity. Tq, may Allah bless you all.
Oh yes, i almost forgot... for payment pls have it transfer to :-
MAYBANK ACCT NO : 152023028582
email me once payment has been made with the following info :-
Your Name :
Your H/P no :
Your Mailing Address :
Your Detailed Payment :
Code No of Your Choice & Quantity (e.g : BLA01, 1 pc) :
For quicker respond, do sms me the details at 019 5761106
TQ once again...see u with more things for sale!
Monday, April 27, 2009
My New Toy :-)
that's what i bought for new pasta maker... it does wonders...i can make mee kuning (a very healthy asid preservatives ..juz plain water, egg n wheat flour) juz 15 mins!!
in boiling water...for few mins
this is what i get with 1 kg of wheat flour... 2 kg of mee kuning
i can make laksa... (yet to try this... today i hope, n i'll snap a pic later)
i can make tart nenas as well ... (got to try it this week end..more pics, don't worry) ....**to be cont**
Monday, April 13, 2009
Quilt for Najmi his mom is sooooo into learning Quilting n Patching ..he is the closest recipient to get a super duper cute quilt specially made with love... much for "masuk bakul angkat sendiri"... here's some sneak peak on what i'm currently working on...
*to be cont... as i actually don't have the pic snap yet :D
Monday, March 23, 2009
My Extreme List of Hobbies
I'm Balkhis n this blog i created juz to keep me organized for i have sooo n i mean sooo much of hobbies. Plus d urge from a dear fren who constantly ask me to create a blog for every little stitches i did or every crystal jewel i made n even every little cuppies i deco.
Yes, those are few among other interests i love to do. I have a lot of passions in me and i love to share as well...mostly with my dear family n frenz who always admire my work no matter how imperfect it turned out to be :-)
These are my first attempt on cake deco. I was amazed by the art work of Rani (my sifoo) in cake deco. So many skill to learn at so little time...i was exhausted by the end of one whole day class. So d output was not so great...but at least i've gave it a try n i'm planning to do more n more til i master this bc (buttercream) deco on cuppies. So help me ..Allah!
Me with tired looking face.......
My first cupcake deco....... :-)
And here's my first wrist pouch...
This one i learnt from a very good fren of mine... Kak Diah. Very friendly, warm n nice person. Very creative as well...admire all her art work n wish to have same skill as hers...still a long way to go though.
Til then,